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Open Door Church Ministries offers a wide variety of ministry services to better serve our community and members of the Body of Christ.  Browse below for some brief information on all that ODCM does to reach out.


Time: 10:00am (Every 2nd & 4th Sat.)

Leader: Sister Diana Hall

ODCM'S primary goal is to reach the lost with the Gospel. Every other Saturday we go into the streets to preach Jesus to those who are lost.


Time: 7:00pm (Every 1st & 3rd Sat.)

Leaders: Pastor Reginald Duncan

The ODCM Marriage Ministry comes together to discuss the issues and challenges of the married life and to provide counseling to couples.


Time: 7:00pm (Wednesdays)

Leaders: Deacon Lance Duncan

On Wednesdays our Deacon lead us in worship & deep study of God's word.


Time: 10:00am-5:00pm (Daily)

Leader: Deacon Kevin Montgomery

If you have a heart to reach those who have been discarded in our prison systems, ODCM reaches out to them daily with a prison ministry to teach those who have made a mistake, the Gospel.


Time: 10:00am (Sundays)

Leader: Minister Jammesie Jones and Pastor Lawrence Johnson

During our main worship services Deaconess Jammesie and Pastor Johnson works with our young and teen members to teach them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Time: 10:00am (Sundays)

Leader: Sister Misty Duncan

If you want your child to learn about God in a fun way, ODCM provides a Children's ministry led by Sister Misty 


Time: 6:00pm (Mondays)

Leader: Pastor Lawrence Johnson

Pastor Johnson leads ODCM choir every Monday night for practice and worship.


Time: 11:00am (Every 3rd Sunday of)

Leader: Men's Ministry (MOOD)

Every 3rd Sunday, ODCM goes through the community delivering food and clothing to those in need. 

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